CIArb Singapore

About CIArb Singapore

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So far CIArb Singapore has created 156 entries.

Time limited obligations to engage in “friendly discussions” before proceeding to arbitration may be legally binding

By |July 20th, 2015|

First posted on Singapore International Arbitration Blog, July 21, 2014

[We are grateful for the following guest post from Charlotte Bamford, a Trainee Solicitor currently sitting in the Commercial Litigation Group of Olswang’s London office.]

In Emirates Trading Agency LLC v Prime Mineral Exports Private Limited [2014] EWHC 2104 (Comm), the Commercial court considered whether a contractual clause requiring the parties […]

The separated arbitrator

By |September 5th, 2014|

Ben Giaretta and Michael Weatherley discuss two recent cases in England and Singapore about what law governs an arbitration clause, and explain what this means for commercial parties.

A paradoxical barber 

The philosopher Bertrand Russell1 gave the following example of a logical paradox: if a barber shaves all those, and only those, men in town who do not shave themselves, who […]

Back to the future: Reliance -v- Union of India

By |September 5th, 2014|

Ben Giaretta and Akshay Kishore report on the latest in a line of judgments from the Supreme Court of India concerning the powers of the Indian courts to intervene in foreign-seated arbitrations: Reliance Industries Limited & Another -v- Union of India (2014)

The BALCO effect 

In 2012, the judgment of the Supreme Court of India in Bharat Aluminium (BALCO)2 marked a […]

Ten tips for saving time and cost in international arbitration

By |September 5th, 2014|

Concerns over increasing time and costs in international arbitration have risen in recent years. These were famously articulated by the Chief Justice of Singapore in his opening speech at the ICCA Conference in 2012.1 Various arbitral institutions have also issued guidelines in the last few years, designed to help parties save time and costs.2 Here, Ben Giaretta and Michael […]

“Mission Possible: IP Hub of Asia”: Senior Minister of State for Law, Indranee Rajah, shares her thoughts on Singapore’s recently announced plans to develop Singapore as a global IP Hub in Asia (NEW)

By |July 31st, 2012|

In March 2013, the IP Steering Committee, chaired by Mr Teo Ming Kian, submitted its IP Hub Master Plan (“Master Plan”) which will serve as a roadmap to help Singapore achieve its goal of becoming a global IP Hub in Asia. The recommendations in the Master Plan, which have been accepted, were made in connection with three strategic outcomes […]

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Invitation to take part in the 2013 Essay Competition of the CIArb Singapore branch Young Members Group

By |July 31st, 2012|

The Singapore Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon received in February 2013 the “Best Lecture or Speech Award for 2012” for his keynote address at last year’s June ICCA Congress in Singapore. He called for, amongst other things, a regulatory regime for international arbitration practice, a theme which he also touched upon at a lecture he gave at the Centre for […]

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