The following report is taken from the Singapore Academy of Law :Click here to download the survey findings.
The realities of globalisation and regionalisation have led, in recent years, to a drive to develop Singapore as a leading centre for dispute resolution and legal services in Asia. In this regard, the Singapore Academy of Law’s International Promotion of Singapore Law Committee (“SAL’s IPSL Committee”) recently commissioned an independent study on governing law and jurisdictional choices in cross-border transactions by surveying 500 commercial law practitioners and in-house counsel who deal with cross-border transactions in Singapore and the region.
The survey has revealed that nearly three in four respondents indicated that their cross-border business has increased in recent years. The survey has also indicated an awareness of choosing Singapore law as governing law for cross-border transactions. Those respondents who indicated a preference for choosing Singapore law as a governing law in cross-border transactions cited Singapore’s established legal system and the certainty of law as important factors for their preference.
The survey findings have revealed opportunities for Singapore to advance its standing as a global legal jurisdiction with a well-regarded body of law. The Committee will be taking these findings into account as they explore further opportunities for Singapore law to increase its presence internationally.
Click here to download the survey findings.
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