The following article is taken from Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London Website. Click here to go to the original article.
An ADR training for ASEAN Judges entitled ‘Court Dispute Resolution: a one-stop training on Alternative Dispute Resolution’ was held from 23 to 25 February 2016 at the Supreme Court of Singapore.
The initiative was launched under the auspices of the ASEAN Chief Justices’ Meeting Working Committee on Judicial Training. The course was conducted by the Singapore Judicial College (SJC), jointly organised with CIArb, and sponsored by the Singapore Cooperation Programme and Supreme Court of Singapore.
The CIArb faculty presenting at this training were:
CIArb President Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo
CIArb Singapore Branch Chairman, Francis Xavier SC
CIArb Singapore Branch Immediate Past-Chairman Richard Tan.
The ASEAN judges attending the training are in the picture together with District Judge Tan Boon Heng, Executive Director, Singapore Judicial College (back row, far left); Judicial Commissioner Kannan Ramesh (second row, far right) and the CEO and Registrar of the Supreme Court, Singapore.

Group shot from the training session
The centre five individuals on the front row are (left to right):
Mr Phang Boon Leong Andrew, Judge of Appeal, Supreme Court, Singapore
Mr Pang De Cheng, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Technical Cooperation Directorate
The Honourable the Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, Supreme Court of Singapore and Patron of CIArb
Camilla Godman, CIArb Director for Asia Pacific
The Honourable Judicial Commissioner Foo Chee Hock, Dean of the SJC, Supreme Court, Singapore
District Judge Tan Boon Heng (Executive Director of Singapore Judicial College) commented:
“The Singapore Judicial College is delighted to have co-organised this ADR training with CIArb.
“We’ve had feedback that the instructors from CIArb (comprising Datuk Sundra Rajoo, Mr Richard Tan, Mr Francis Xavier SC and Ms Camilla Godman) were not only extremely conversant with the latest developments in international arbitration, they were also committed to ensuring that the participants fully benefited from the CIArb sessions on arbitration.”
CIArb Director for Asia Pacific Camilla Godman added:
“This is a fantastic initiative led by the ASEAN Chief Justices to grow the knowledge of ADR amongst ASEAN Judges.
“One of our aims is for better integration between the ASEAN states in the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.
“We were very lucky to have both the Patron of CIArb, The Honourable Chief Justice of the Singapore Supreme Court, Sundaresh Menon and the President of CIArb, Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo involved in delivering the training, as well as the immediate and past Chairs of the CIArb Singapore Branch.”
Article originally published on 25 Feb 2016.